Rapid urbanisation has been one of the urgent issues across the globe in the past few decades. According to the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, today, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 68% by 2050. As a consequence, more and more cities are now becoming part of larger metropolitan areas.
The modern meaning of metropolis appeared in early 20th century describing the change of measure and scale of the urban settlements in the wake of the industrialization in the western world. It described the urban expansion that had been occurring at different times in different locations around the world over the past two centuries. Otto Wagner and Ludwig Hilberseimer were amongst the first scholars who raised the issue of the Großstadt, that is the “big” city.
The phenomenon of the contemporary metropolis is, however, quite different from the modern industrial “big city”. Unlike the prediction of early modern metropolis being the “vertical city” driven by progress, technology, and science, what we experience now is rather a more complex “horizontal metropolis”. There are many underlying reasons to this phenomenon that are also complex and intertwined. However, within our project framework, we focus on the three issues of data, scale, and quality of living.
The Tool
as a Methodology
Tools with Different Outputs
Tools with MGIP Framework
The Metropolitan Cartography establishes the roles to set up the process that refers to the training of the competences. This process orients the urban frames for decisions that depend on the cultural code of each agent of the system (the values which drive the choices). In this way it's possible to avoid pression by norms, habits, and personal characteristics of the decision maker.
The metropolitan cartography through a training and decision support tools to face complexity, allow civil servant to reach this goals:
• identify, classify and organize resources (i.e. assess environmental, cultural, and social resources)
• supervise the access to human and general public's rights for the urban dwellers;
• identify and manage risks (i.e. increase the availability and access to disaster risk information to assess multi-hazard early warning systems)
• take systematic decision for the metropolitan sustainable development plans according to:
â–ª UN Sustainable Development Goals indicators;
â–ª The New Urban Agenda principles and indicators;
â–ª Multilevel legal framework and operational norms.
• Evaluate the impacts of development plans and metropolitan projects, to validate their sustainability.
Metropolitan Cartography
The Metropolitan Cartography Methodology
A set of maps showing the fundamental relationship amongst elements constructing the metropolitan system. They reveal the metropolitan structure by layering physical aspects of geographic, historical, and geometrical data. Protocol maps are used as a base for discussing the dynamics in the problem finding phase. All metropolises have the same set of maps that are comparable.
Metropolitan Cartography
Protocol Maps
Metropolitan Cartography
Procedure Maps
A set of maps representing the spatial impact of the process of ongoing metropolitay dynamics indentified during problem finding phase. The maps are used as a base for deciding the operations necessary for the metropolis. Each metropolis has its own set since the dynamics varies from one metropolis to another.
Metropolitan Cartography