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  • Lab | TELLme

    Guadalajara Mendoza Training Lab Guadalajara (Messico) Mendoza Mendoza (Argentina) LESSONS LESSONS


    Top of Page Program Outputs Tools Program The TELLme Project aims at providing competence to the HEIs while building up a community of practice with an integral approach, where the collective intelligence is formed through non-formal and peer-to-peer learning. The main target group of the TELLme Project is the HEIs since they are the key actors capable of carrying on advocating the methodology and training the future generation of the discipline. They have the potential of building the core knowledge of the community of Practice of Discipline in the transnational level, while acting as stimulating the public administration in the local level. The Universities will bring their expertise and research work on the metropolitan management, comparing metropolitan key studies, in particular, in the cities that are experiencing and dealing with the metropolitan management issues. 2017 Kick-Off Zero Meeting 2018 Initial Project Seminar_Seville 2019 Training Lab_Guadalajara Training Lab_Mendoza IO1 MESA (Metropolitan Existing Situation Analysis) IO2 Metropolitan Glossary IO3 Integrated Approach to Metropolitan Complexity IO4 TELLme HUB IO5 TELLme Handbook IO6 TELLme Training Program IO7 Transversal Technical Competences and Management Skills: Framework for the TELLme Training Programme IO8 Inaugural Book Outputs Tools Metropolitan Glossary TELLme HUB A first phase of Metropolitan Existing Situation Analysis will assess the reality from the perspective of metropolitan complexity. Using specific legends related to metropolitan issues, partners will produce the Interpretative Maps of Impact Scenarios. Mapping is one of the main method of the discipline, allowing us to understand and address the metropolitan context and issues in physical forms. Simultaneously, the production of Metropolitan Glossary will begins in order to provide a precise language to describe the relation of terms that build up the concepts of the new discipline. Starting from the Initial Project Seminar in Seville, the partners discuss the outcomes of the activities to frame the Metropolitan Approach to Complexity with the definition of the Metropolitan General Issues and Principles (MGIP) . This theoretical framework is applied in the TELLme Training Programme Guidelines , the shared instructions for the Train Lab activity. It will introduce Transversal Technical Competences and Management Skills Framework for the metropolitan leaders. Two TELLme Training Labs in Mendoza (Argentina) and Guadalajara (Mexico) are the piloting of this Training Programme. As a result, TELLme Training Labs activities will produce the local Metropolitan Chart of Projects, a map representing the integrated impact on the territory of proposed metropolitan projects. The TELLme Metropolitan Hub is an online-platform for collecting and sharing knowledge both supporting the TELLme Project activities and finally disseminating its results to reach new stakeholders. The Virtual Lab is part of the Hub where the Interpretative Mappings are digitized for sharing and distribution. The TELLme Handbook is both the manual of the Hub and the theoretical description of the process. Based on the results of the previous activities, the Inaugural Book systematizes the Practice of the Metropolitan Discipline Methodology shaping the Metropolitan space. It presents the logical framework of concepts needed to understand the complexity of the metropolitan context and the related methodology. Program Program Outputs IO1: MESA (Metropolitan Existing Situation Analysis) Leading Partner: Universidad de Seville The Metropolitan Existing Situation Analysis is the process of reading, understanding, and interpreting metropolitan contexts using a new set of tools which we call ‘Interpretative Maps of Impact Scenarios Analysis.’ This process provides us with a deeper understanding of the complexity of metropolitan contexts and the relation with the territory where they are located. This detailed field analysis is necessary to lay the foundations of the new Metropolitan Discipline allowing the manageable growth of a metropolis that is an essential part of the overall sustainable development of a country. Output IO2: Metropolitan Glossary Leading Partner: Universidad de Guadalajara The aim of the Metropolitan Glossary is to define the concepts of the new discipline more than defining the individual words. The Metropolitan Discipline is bringing various issues that are transversal rather than sectoral. Therefore, reaching an agreement on the words used to describe complex issues touching various fields is a challenging yet mandatory activity. A collection of Semantic Maps is the main output of this activity. It is a visual mapping of concepts that are mandatory in the metropolitan discipline. A descriptive text will accompany the maps to complete the Metropolitan Glossary. The text is the record of the evolution of the maps as the project develops throughout the project. It will be shared online in the end of the program, allowing people to search and contribute further in the development of the glossary. IO3: Integrated Approach to Metropolitan Complexity Leading Partner: Politecnico di Milano The TELLme Metropolitan Approach to Complexity aims at communicating the need of a metropolitan vision with a multidisciplinary perspective moving away from a traditional urban goal of efficiency. It is a way to translate the general and theoretical point of view of the HE into the more specific practical ‘operations’ in the metropolitan construction. A feedback mechanism follows after the initial establishment of the Metropolitan General Issues and Principles , where practical experience will be reflected in the theoretical body of the Metropolitan Discipline, taking into consideration the local environment, community, wealth, governance and culture dimension. IO4: TELLme HUB Leading Partner: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) In order to provide digital competence to the HEI instructors for both communication and utilization of new tools, the TELLme HUB works as the digital platform of the discipline. It does not only work as a sharing device of amongst the participants but also promotes a new way of building the collective knowledge through digital tools. TELLme HUB is a spatial, scalable data infrastructure that allows processing and editing the data. It is a Spatial Data Infrastructure(SDI) aimed at supporting the TELLme Training Labs and presenting the geospatial outcomes of the project in form of interactive maps. Moreover, it will be available to other HEIs, decision makers, authorities, and relevant stakeholders through OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) compliant web-services. IO5: TELLme Handbook Leading Partner: Politecnico di Milano The TELLme Handbook aims at illustrating the method of producing information layers of the metropolitan using dataset. The collected metadata will go through a data processing chain programmed based on the categories. It provides a geographical analysis methodology to deal with complex metropolitan issues. It also contains the theoretical framework of the data process together with the manual for the digital in order to enhance the technical competence of the users. It will be performed in order to provide guidance in using and updating the online platform TELLme HUB. IO6: TELLme Training Programme Guidelines Leading Partner: Fondazione Politecnico di Milano TELLme Training Programme Guidelines is the logical framework of the training program, providing the practical tools to bridge the gap between the Metropolitan General Issues and Principles and the Metropolitan Existing Situation Analysis. It is composed of preliminary outline of the TELLme Training Lab and the assessment on the result of the labs. The Training Programme guideline promotes a non-formal learning aiming at building capacity founded on shared leadership, the introduction of transversal and managerial skills, and the ability to adapt the principles in local scale. The Training Lab simulates the Practice of the Metropolitan Discipline where HEIs and practitioners test the Metropolitan Approach with actual problems the cities bring to the table (MESA). The TELLme HUB accompanies the Programme Guidelines as the open database where the collective knowledge is created and shared. The defined result of the Guideline will be the foundation in building the Transversal Technical Competence. IO7: Transversal Technical Competences and Management Skills: Framework for the TELLme Training Program Leading Partner: DOBA The multidisciplinary components of the TELLme Training Programme, linked to the complexity of the field, envisage the need of enucleate and develop competences (both technical and transversal) as well as skills to be addressed in the training activities and clarified in their learning outcomes.The aim of the output is to facilitate the recognition and the transparency of the TELLme Training Programme learning outcomes through the identification, listing and definition of the technical and transversal competences needed for managing cities. In this sense, the Framework will contribute to enhance the transferability potential of the Programme. IO8: Inaugural Book Leading Partner: CIPPEC ​ The TELLme Inaugural book is the book that systematizes the Practice of Metropolitan Discipline Methodology to shape the Metropolitan space. The methodology demonstrates the translation of the Metropolitan General Principles derived from the theoretical texts into the localized issues discovered in the Metropolitan Existing Analysis. It uses the Operators as the methodological tool of translation in order to produce the operation of the Metropolitan Project Chart. The Tellme Inaugural book is the textbook that provides methodology translating the metropolitan principles (the metro-methodology) into the practice. Metropolitan Glossary Software Link Tools The Practice of Metropolitan Discipline Sustainability is a universal goal that needs to be reached not only in the environmental dimension but also in the social, cultural, economic, and institutional dimensions. This could be only dealt with a collective intelligence with a holistic framework and innovative tools. Tools

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